57 miles

Note: Lou is hoping to walk 500 miles in 2016 and each year thereafter until completing the trail. It is a way to remember the tens of thousands of women and children that have to walk long distances each day to obtain drinking water. He is seeking to raise $100,000 annually for the delivery of water filters for clean and safe water to be provided in a business and sustainable model to the “least of these.” Check out his blog at Would you commit to contributing $1.00 per mile walk annually?


  • North Country Trail (4,600 miles/418.8 completed)
  • 500 miles in 2016…Achieved to date: -199.2 miles

Goal: One Million dollars over eight years to bring clean and safe water to the poorest regions and the most needy (100% of funds raised is for the delivery and purchase of water filters to those least able to pay for them)…Total achieved to date: $78,500/2016 – $29,000.

The Droscha Adventure On The NCT

img_2851This was a five day event. Joining us was Ron and Donna Droscha, friends from college days with their eldest daughter, Diana, with three of her children. Two of their boys, Jarrad and Jason joined Ron and I in the hikes on Saturday and Sunday. Hannah spent time with her mother while Jan and Donna, college friends, spent their time together reading and resting, awaiting the return of their wilderness men at the end of each day!

This was a 57 miles hike on the North Country Trail from Mackinaw City to Petroskey, Michigan.


Saturday, June 25, 2016 – Lou and Friends at Loon Lake

The best part? Spending three hours in the evening and on the trail talking with friends about life, business, ministry, why we are doing what we do. Before leaving the trail we had a prayer over this event, the creation and the worship experience it was and the impact it will have for clean and safe water around the world.

A Walk from Spring Into Summer on the NCT

The four cities I walked through truly reflect rural Michigan. They all came into existence about 1830-35 and were established on the Kalamazoo River. Water power was used for grist and flour mills, lumber mills, and other manufacturing needs. I walked through Ceresco that never survived as a municipality although it had a dam producing power plant for over 100 years. Each town has a fascinating history full of colorful characters. I ended this walk in Litchfield. In the middle of the town square is a historical marker to Rose Hartwick Thorpe who wrote The Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight. The memorial is all about remembering small town America.

Friday, April 29, 2016 – Loon Lake at #NorthCountryTrail

During the logging boom of the mid to late 1800’s, timber taken from this area was transported to Manistee and Ludington on an extensive system of lakes and rivers. Lake County alone has over 200 lakes, hundreds of miles of rivers, and thousands of miles of pristine forest…and mental health. It is estimated the average distance a rural family in Africa has to walk to obtain their drinking and bathing water is one quarter of a mile and in the dry season sometimes as far as a good hour walking or 2-3 miles.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 – Living a Life of Significance

There are champions. There are dreamers. There are doers. There are talkers. There are those who desire to be part of something bigger than themselves. I think that is where I find myself. I want my life to have significance beyond meeting my immediate family and local community social needs. I do not believe everyone does that, but many do. We find ways.

Creating Hope with Every Step

Today is an exciting day for me as I step out to accomplish a very large task. After reading so many inspiring posts during #WorldWaterMonth in March, it came to me that I could personally help provide worldwide access to clean and safe water through my own actions by doing something I love: HIKING.