What Hiking Does to the Brain is Pretty Amazing!

I recently came across an absolutely fascinating article on hiking. I have never felt healthier and more mentally stimulated than after reading this. So I hope you take two minutes to read it too.


What Hiking Does to the Brain is Pretty Amazing


Do you want to clear your head, become more creative, boost your focus, charge your mind’s batteries, and feel better about yourself?


All I can say about the science of walking is what I know and experience for myself.  It is a time of reflection, prayer, and planning but what I most often experience is a realignment or an adjustment of who I am deep inside with what I am doing intentionally in my life.  Many times I just get into the “zone.”  After six hours of walking I ask myself, “What did I think about or what conclusions did I discover?


I find it difficult to articulate anything.  However, it is much easier to get on with life.  Issues that were a stressor are no longer particularly challenging.  I am re-energized.  The internal sub-conscious clock has been reprogrammed.  My body feels better, it may hurt and ache, but the blood is flowing, the muscles feel used, the heart is inspired and so is my brain.


Spring is here and summer is almost upon us. Do you need any other reason to join me on the trail than this? Send me an email at lou@businessconnectworld.com or click here to find out more about why I am hiking the North Country Trail and how you can get involved today. I hope to hear from you soon!




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