Creating Hope with Every Step

Hiking the North Country National Scenic Trail:

Stepping Out for Access to Clean and Safe Water

Today is an exciting day for me as I step out to accomplish a very large task. After reading so many inspiring posts during #WorldWaterMonth in March, it came to me that I could personally help provide worldwide access to clean and safe water through my own actions by doing something I love: HIKING.

Hiking in the wilderness is like worship for me.  I find it empowering, inspirational, forgiving, and almost irresistible.  And when the longest North American hiking trail runs only a few miles from my home, I cannot resist the opportunity to hike. The North Country National Scenic Trail runs over 4600 miles through seven northern states and it is within a day’s drive of 40% of America’s population.

The trail can be rugged and remote, or nearby and easy, it was built and maintained through the sweat equity of hundreds of north country-hardy volunteers. And it also passes through 12 amazing National Forests — many of which have given me time to think how my own actions might have the chance to change the lives of so many:


North Country National Scenic Trail


What if I could raise a minimum of one million dollars for clean and safe water – a basic necessity everyone should have access to in the developing world — and reach over 50,000 households?




So I am challenging you to join me — either in spirit or in person — to help bring clean water to the poorest people of the world. I am seeking Champions to step forward; to hold me accountable, who will support, contribute, and encourage me. I want people who believe in what I am attempting to do in the world and want to be a part of it to join me and commit to walking while walking alongside those in need. One hundred percent of all funds raised will go toward the purchase and delivery of water filters for clean and safe water to the most vulnerable…the widows and orphans around the world.

This means a quarter of a million people in the developing world would no longer have stomach aches, diarrhea, illness, and even death. What if I could find people who would come alongside of me and make that happen?  I am inviting family, friends, clubs, businesses and organizations to support the hike through a flat out donation, a dollar per mile, or other contribution based on the hike. OR, actively engage your Rotary Club, youth group or employee-driven fundraiser and JOIN US ON THE TRAIL to step out for a purpose. Come for a few hours or a few days — you decide the length of your journey!

I will be posting updates from the trail here and I also created an Instagram page where I will be posting photos soon so you may step out with me in spirit. Visit our Fundraising page on our website for more information on how you can get involved or download our brochure here!

Until next time…Lou

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