Business Connect on World Water Day

Monthly our Business Connect executive team meets and reviews our financials.  I noticed in February that we had income of $400 that did not make any sense.  I met with Jereme Lambert, my son-in-law, and the director of our business this morning.  He informed me that Bob Ashley, the founder of Village Water Filter, makes a $100.00 contribution for anyone of our international partners who makes a video of someone using one of our water filters and posts it on YouTube.  

How incredible and creative is that?  It is not just a donation for clean and safe water.  It is leveraging an experience of transformation from chronic illness to robust health, from children who just survive to thriving communities, from a charity model to local entrepreneurs promoting their business with a life improving product.

World Water Day is held on 22nd of  March every year since 1993 when the United Nations selected that day highlighting the importance of freshwater. World Water Day celebrates water and raises awareness of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water.  We need these kinds of reminders because we do not think twice when turning on the faucet.  Help us help others.  Check us out at  

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