America’s Great Divorce and the Possibility of Reconciliation

I just have a couple of personal take-aways and two items we wanted to share with everyone.

1.    We are in the middle of Advent, a time of expectation.  Will I (not just can I, but will I) live in expectation of more integrity, be more loving, and clearly see and seek God’s Kingdom here on Earth?

2.    Can I identify my own confirmation bias?  

3.    Voting is the least civil action I can take as a citizen.  There is a lot more I can do locally.

4.    Two factors stand out for me as cause of our great divide as a nation and that need to be addressed as we seek a common good.

a.    Who is it we trust, listen to, has credibility?

b.    What is it that we fear?

This comes to us from Becky and John Patrick.

Here is the link to The Colossian Forum:

Here is their mission statement: to equip leaders to transform cultural conflicts into opportunities for spiritual growth and witness. And our . . .

VISION is a Christian community that acts Christian, especially in the face of conflict.

I’ve watched two of their on-line discussions (Conversation with Sid Jansma, and Michael Hoogeboom from LaGrave Church on using TCF methods with small groups there). Both were excellent and worthwhile. Michael Gulker is the Executive Director of TCF, and I’m impressed with him, too.  He was raised in a Reformed faith background, and is now a Mennonite pastor. Very calm, thoughtful guy.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Meanwhile, grace and peace –

This comes to us from Bev Abma.


“Show me the suffering of the most miserable; So, I will know my people’s plight. Free me to pray for others; For you are present in every person. Help me take responsibility for my own life; So that I can be free at last. Grant me courage to serve others; For in service there is” true life. Give me honesty and patience; So that I can work with other workers. Bring forth song and celebration; So that the Spirit will be alive among us. Let the Spirit flourish anti grow; So that we will never tire of the struggle. Let us remember those who have died for justice; For they have given us life. Help us love even those who hate us; So, we can change the world. Amen.” 

Written by Cesar E. Chavez, UFW Founder (1927-1993) Cesar E. Chavez Foundation 1741 s. Harvard Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90006 213-733-6346 e-mail <chavezfdtn@igc.apc.o

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