Ashley School House

I started walking about 4:10 P.M.  It was late but still got in about 6.7 miles.  Today I did it alone.  I took a bicycle with me, hide it at the start of off point of Green Lake and Ashely Road and then drove up to Wabasis Lake Road and Twelve Mile, left the car and starting walking back.  Arriving at the starting point it took me only 30 minutes or so to bicycle what took me 2.5 hours to walk.

The funny noise of loud cackling that sound unlike anything I have head turned out to be a group of wild turkeys on the corner of Jenks and MacArthur.  The harvested wheat field had what looked like 18 Blue Herons walking around, perhaps a group of newly hatched young.  

As I started to walk down Wahasis Lake Road I stopped at a self serve sweet corn stand.  $3.00 for a dozen ears of corn, twenty five cents each.  I realized again the reason I have a garden is not because I save any money but rather the pure enjoyment of seeing the miracle of a seed turning into a fruit or vegetable.   I tried something this week I read in the magazine Organic Gardening.   When your beans start declining in production, cut everything back, and let it all resprout and it will grow a second crop.  I see the new buds already.

I really enjoyed walking pasted the Ashley one room school house.  It was built in 1863 and was used as a school until 1966.  That is almost identical to the one room school house (Celery Center) I attended from 1951-1959.  Nothing matches the aroma of fresh cut alfalfa.  Even better was walking past acres and acres of apples.

A couple outstanding flowers today was March Felswort, Stinging Nettle, and Typha Latifolia which is Cattail.  I just discovered the young stems are a tasty food source.  

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