Sunday: September 11, 2016

M-81 to Sturgeon Bay Trail: 11.8 miles
Wilderness State Park

This park is the largest contiguous undeveloped parcel, 10,500 acres, and also the largest state park in the Lower Peninsula, 26 miles of shore line, and has a network of trails. Most of this area is inaccessible by road although many of the trails are old forest roads.

We came upon a camp ground. For some reason as soon as one comes into a semi-populated area or along a road the blue marker blazes of the trail are either non-existent or difficult to follow. We were like honey bees looking for the hive that was moved. We were confused. I am not quite sure how I got separated from the group of three but they headed North along the bay and I finely found that the NCT actually was a part of Swamp Line Trail. Toads seemed to be everywhere. Also saw a couple of garter snakes.

We connected later in the afternoon. Ron and I decided to go another 2.3 miles. It was probably the toughest section of the entire 57 miles; up and down on the dunes.

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