God being the Trinity

Christians talk about God being the Trinity, God-three-in-one. I feel that I am of that same construct. For example, most of my life, my mind determines what it is that I do, think, and am. My body responds and for the most part is obedient to my mind. There is an effort to find some transcendence, purpose, and eternal spiritual connection through faith and obedience. My soul has been nurtured and been given increasing emphasis as I have gotten older. However, through it all, the mind filters, directs, and fairly rationally, makes its way through life, managing these various dimensions of my life.

In two weeks, I will have rotator cuff surgery. In the meantime, I am having some rather serious leg cramps/tingling/achiness in both legs. This probably goes back to a disc injury experience 49 years ago. Suddenly, my body is telling my mind what it is I will and will not be doing. I am conscious that I was born to die and that time is sooner rather than later. It will not be long and my soul will be in the only relevant aspect of my personhood.

This is not to say that death is imminent. I have no life-threatening illness to my knowledge. I hope and pray to live to the age of my parents who both passed at the age of 86. I could easily be on this earth for another 20+ years. I write all of this to continually ask myself if I am using my time in the best possible way. How does this all relate to our business…www.Businessconnectworld.com?

It starts with being financially conservative or taking a risk and moving forward. I have a financial planner who I meet with annually. He is always encouraging me to become more conservative in our financial investments. I have rejected that approach by arguing that time is short. I do not want to become risk adverse quietly retiring to the sidelines. God has given us protégé who want our business to grow and become more impactful. Last week, our executive met with four successful business people asking for their experience, wisdom, and connections to take our business to the next level. I have never been more excited, positive, and motivated to grow our business/ministry to the next lever.

For those of you to read, this I am so grateful for your participation and partnership to make this happen.


Always, Lou

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