God being the Trinity

God being the Trinity

Christians talk about God being the Trinity, God-three-in-one. I feel that I am of that same construct. For example, most of my life, my mind determines what it is that I do, think, and am. My body responds and for the most part is obedient to my mind. There is an...
Romeo Cultural Tour 2017

Romeo Cultural Tour 2017

ROMEO CULTURAL TOUR 2017 There were six of us; Tom Sibley, Marlin Baker, Lou Haveman, Jerry Kaizer, Rod Osner, and Steve Dooley.  We are all retired, kinda, representing six different professions; juvenile court, probation, real estate, business, management, and air...
Another side of St. Patrick’s Day

Another side of St. Patrick’s Day

This past Friday, March 17, we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with parades, green everything, and beer. Here is another side to this holiday. He was a human trafficking victim in the 5th century, who became a missionary to the people and land (Ireland) where he...


This was our fourth ROMEO (Retired Old Men Eating Out/Enjoying Each Other/Encouraging each Other…take your pick) cultural tour. Our goal is always the same; experience and learn something new, have a great time, have some serious conversation, and build some deep...
You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Recently I purchased some hives and have become a beekeeper. The more I study and learn the more there is to learn. A new world has been opened up. And it is a world where so many questions still exist, so many things yet to be discovered, experienced, utilized, and known. The awareness of my ignorance has become increasingly evident in my mind…in so many areas of my life.
