A Little Too Much Too Soon

A Little Too Much Too Soon

On January 20th I had right knee replacement surgery.  Now the incision has healed.  The bruised black and blue tissue from the ankle to my upper thigh looks well and healthy.  All the bruising came four days after surgery.  What is that all...
Business Connect on World Water Day

Business Connect on World Water Day

Monthly our Business Connect executive team meets and reviews our financials.  I noticed in February that we had income of $400 that did not make any sense.  I met with Jereme Lambert, my son-in-law, and the director of our business this morning.  He informed me that...
Forty Days

Forty Days

March 24th is when the State of Michigan was initially starting to shut down its economic activity. Today is day 34. I started to think about 40-day/year periods of solitude or isolation in the Bible.  The Jewish use of the symbolism of numbers associated with letters...
Social Beings

Social Beings

COVID-19 was a stranger until this evening.  One friend told me today that he lost a brother.  Another friend lost his best friend.  Both died of COVID-19.  Within a month, we will all know someone by name who has been infected, hospitalized, and...
New Life, Real Life, Eternal Life

New Life, Real Life, Eternal Life

It was Easter.  It is about New Life, Real Life, Eternal Life.  Our pastor spoke that morning about discovering resurrection through reading scripture, people, circumstances, and creation.  Each day I walk for a couple of hours.  I see evidence of renewed life...
Unconnected Thoughts

Unconnected Thoughts

April 5th was Jan’s birthday…..I walked into Hudsonville Meijer’s store to get Jan’s daily Starbucks and had to sneeze.  I did it properly and no one took notice…..This past week I actually got out of bed later than I ever have, like 9:00 A.M several days in a...