What Do We Do With Evil?

What Do We Do With Evil?

So many of our discussions are just scratching the surface of topics that many books have been written.  I appreciate so much the articles and insights that are shared after the discussion.  Below are a few of my “Take-Aways.”  This does not come close...
Thanksgiving and Covid

Thanksgiving and Covid

This is a personal reflection arising from reading, thoughts, and discussion arising from a Sunday morning discussion group. 1.    It seems to me that we as a people have an innate desire to acknowledge, and give thanks, to one greater than...
Forty Days

Forty Days

March 24th is when the State of Michigan was initially starting to shut down its economic activity. Today is day 34. I started to think about 40-day/year periods of solitude or isolation in the Bible.  The Jewish use of the symbolism of numbers associated with letters...
Social Beings

Social Beings

COVID-19 was a stranger until this evening.  One friend told me today that he lost a brother.  Another friend lost his best friend.  Both died of COVID-19.  Within a month, we will all know someone by name who has been infected, hospitalized, and...